Maddie turned one 2 Sundays ago. As tradition, we had a little bash for the family. It was like a scene from
There was Jeffrey and Stevie and Me. There was Gino from the family up north. There was Slicky Ricky and his brothers, Eric the Booze and Two-Tone Tony. There was Tall Joey, who was Lari's brother from the wife's family. Two Jasons. And you had Ashley The Eyes and his gal, Cotton Candy. And Jeremy 2K, who gets the nickname because he owes me 2K.
It was all in the family, but you get the idea. Now enjoy the photos. :)

It's Maddie's first birthday and we're a little liberal with her eating for the day. She gets a first taste of Vitagen and she loves the stuff. Check out the killer pose.

The spread. We catered this from D'Fortune and it was good. An order for 45 feeds 60, with some leftovers. Shhh...

Maddie complaining to Auntie Sue, "There's just too many people here, and they're eating my food!"

The Grisly Sisters (mine), watching Maddie sleep. There's something discomfiting about this picture, because you should never sleep in the presence of these two. Especially when they have marker pens nearby. Trust me on this. Poor Maddie.

The whole village. 60 of us, Grandfathers, grandmothers, grand uncles and aunties, uncles & aunties, cousins, etc. And this is not even the whole family! They came, they ate, they left. Just like locusts, except that we like them and they brought gifts. Heheh.

One for the album. Everyone singing the song, but Maddie just wants cake.

Kids ravaging the cake. This one comes from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and it's got all kinds of goodies on top. The little horrors were just picking off the colourful treats, led by their leader, my son. :)

A little flower power for my little girl. Maddie's totally into the cake decoration. She's also into her very first taste of cake.

No it wasn't the kids. This was all Mae. Apparently it's extremely difficult to cut a cake that's got all kinds of candies on it.

Cuppacakes from Wondermilk. Mae bought a whole box of the stuff and ate it for a week. Yeah. Eww. Too much of a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.

Maddie gets her first birthday present. She loves it, if only to jump up and down on it.
It was tiring just looking at all those people. And in the end, it was more a party for everyone else than it was for poor little Maddie.
Sorry sweetheart. Daddy will make it up to you every birthday from here on, okay?