I grew up on P.Ramlee. Back in the 70s, they played his movies on TV all the time. The whole family would crowd around our black & white TV and laugh with the Man, enjoy his antics and sing his songs.
You have to remember that this was the 70s. There was no Astro. We had all of two TV channels. There was no internet. Hell, we didn't even have a damn PC. And the closest thing to a video game was Nintendo's Game N Watch. So yeah, P.Ramlee was entertainment for the whole family.
And then cue some 30+ plus years later, Mae bumps into her old friend at the shopping mall and suddenly we land ourselves a couple of free tix to P.Ramlee the Musical. Apparently poor Karen had two extra seats and no takers. Oh, the travesty!
The show was great - great script, great music, great ensemble cast and all. I especially loved the 2nd act when P.Ramlee's life story played out like one of his wonderful comedies.
Mae enjoyed it. For me, it was a bit of nostalgia, though I would have like to have heard a few more songs in it. Getaran Jiwa, one of P.Ramlee's most familiar tunes should probably have been in, simply because is so iconic. Probably Bunyi Gitar too. And then there is my personal favourite, Aci Aci Buka Pintu; simply because Mom used to sing it to me when I was a kid. *sniff*
The show is all sold out, but if anyone should happen to chance upon any free tickets, you should kill for them. :) But don't take my word for it. Do see TV Smith and Jeff Ooi's take on the show.