Friday, October 26, 2007

Mother-In-Law Day

Apparently, today is Mother-In-Law day, according to the Mix.FM. Some people say it's the 4th Sunday in October. Me, I'm just amused that there is a day to commemorate mothers-in-law. I wonder who decided it would be a good idea for a Mother-In-Law day. I'll bet it's somebody's mother-in-law. It certainly feels like the kind of thing a mother-in-law would think up. Just imagine:

Wife: Honey, aren't we gonna take Mom out for dinner this Mother-In-Law Day?
Hubby: Erm... I was thinking perhaps we should take my mom out.
Wife: You know I don't get along with your mother.
Hubby: This is the woman who brought your husband up, dammit!
Wife: I've lived with my mom all my life too.
Hubby: Believe me, I know the pain she must have gone through cos I live it everyday!!!
Wife: Well, if it's any consolation, at least your mother-in-law isn't a witch like mine!

This is just a dramatization from my warped mind. I assure you Mae and I have wonderful mothers-in-law. In any case, I doubt if we'll celebrate the day. It's yet another sneaky attempt to empty our pockets.


  1. Any days celebrated are all commercialized, even our Chinese New Year.

  2. This is the business man's strategy lar.. then you all celebrate all of these days...

  3. blek...there shudn't be such 'days'
    no way, not ever!
    But...Worship Your Wife would make the retail stores real happy!

  4. geez..that was me....
    remember...I'm the one who wrote, there shud be "WORSHIP YOUR WIFE" day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not some stupid Anon ah.............

  5. Hahahah!! i love your make up story.. ;)
    If they have MIL's day.. then they should have a DIL's day too.. ;)

  6. And should have:-
    1) Wife's Day
    2) Husband's Day
    3) Cousin's Day
    4) Uncle's Day
    5) Aunty's Day
    6) Grandpa's Day
    7) Grandma's Day
    8) Close Friend's Day
    9) Family Friend's Day
    10) Adult's Day
    11) TV day
    12) Kitchen Day
    13) Makan Day
    14) Table Day
    15) Chair Day
    16) Study Day
    17) Sun Day
    Oh waita minute... there IS a Sunday already. :p

  7. There is a mother in law day?!?
    How about a treat your blog readers to dinner day?

  8. Melb Angmoh has a special day for Horses. "Melbourne Cup"Day which is on 1st TUesday of November every year. A valid excuse to dress up, gamble and be roaring drunk on the streets at 12noon without having cops busting ur rear.
    We should have a Lazy Day once a year... (okay, i'm just kidding myself...maybe 30 days a year) to indulge in hedonistic activities... music, sun, wine and dine all day long.
    If only.... *bwahhh*

  9. Well, Jason, if it's any consolation, Chinese New Year started long before it was commercialized.
    Yes Penny, we're suckers. :)
    I think, "Worship Someone Else's Wife" will be even more interesting, MOTT. HAhahahh!
    I swear I did not make this up, MamaBok!
    Good plan, Maggie. Hallmark should hire you.
    Sounds like a sleazy holiday, Fanboy, so I guess I'll just have to pass.
    Yes, Amyzing, Lazy Day is it!!!
