Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Missing In Action

On Saturday, I was whisked off to Seremban on a pow wow session. While spouses were invited, Mae decided to give this one a pass on account of her perpetual morning sickness. So, early Saturday I dropped her off at her mom's and I took off to Allson Klana in the company of 2 ladies (ahem). Okay, okay, so it's not nearly as dubious as I make it sound since another guy was in the car as well and it was a church thing! :)

Anyway, I felt quite miserable that I had to be away from Mae since she was quite pregnant! And I realised that this was the first time I had left her side since discovering Baby's existence. It was only a one-nighter but I couldn't help feeling that I'm somehow running away from my responsibilities. Like one of those "Wham-Bam thank you Maam!" cases. By the time I got back on Sunday just before noon, I had begun missing her quite a bit. And so, for the rest of that Sunday, I tell her over and over how much I missed her.

Today as we were lying in bed talking she attempts to trap me, in typical-Mae fashion, with a trick question, "How come you don't miss me anymore?" Never to back away from a trap, I answer in the only way I know how:

"Honey, how can I miss you if you won't go away?"


  1. awwww hahah! i wonder if you guys are the typical malaysian couple or not.
    if you guys are.. man..malaysian couples rock! :D lol
    very very sweet. hehehehehehhehehe

  2. I hope you didn't get a bonk on the head as an answer to that question. ;) But yep, imagine if you are posted for work overseas for a few days.....

  3. Oh James, you are so sweet!
    And you "won't go away" or let us forget that, right!

  4. Typical, natasha? Hmm... we're Malaysian for sure but I can never be sure if we fit into the category of typical or even normal. For that matter, I'm not even sure we're sane! ;)
    Hey Strizzt, I like to live dangerously!
    Admit it Shine, you like that I never go away... :lol:

  5. If all your ex girl friends see this, they will be buying paraquat in rage of jealousy.

  6. Err... what ex-girlfriends, Gina? Hehheheh!!! ... Don't you dare! I know what you're thinking!
