Monday, October 24, 2005

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

This morning on the way out of the house, Jesse got a little bit sticky. He was clinging on to Mommy for dear life. And so Mae cuddled him, rocked back and forth on her feet, and sang to him.

"You know I love yooouu..." Mae sang to the boy tenderly. Jesse pressed his little face into Mommy neck, listening intently to his mother's soothing voice and taking in every word. And then I recognised the tune. It was a little Boyz II Men number.

That's when Mae let it rip, "Mama you're the queeeen of my heaaaaaart...."

"Hey," I scowled at Mae, "no singing propaganda to the boy!"

Mae gave me a wily smile that sent a shiver down my spine. She then turned to Jesse, held him up to her so that his eyes met hers. "Mommy is the queen of your heart, isn't she?" The boy chuckled cheerfully. And at that moment I knew I was always going to be outnumbered in my own home. If democracy had its way, I'd always be outvoted by my wife and her son. Ouch!

Like they say, the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.


  1. then you should also sing to the boy, man... maybe some kanye west to start him up...!

  2. ibu .....ibu engkau'lah ratu hati ku :P hehehehehehe :P james dont worry let jesse grow older he'll come to u for relationship tips ;)

  3. HAHAhahaha.. i love the propaganda bit.

  4. Get that baby girl. You know, daddy's little girl? Get two in fact! You would get a majority. Get three girls? Have a James-supermajority, enough to pass constitutional amendments...

  5. it's very easy to win over Jesse. Get him those hotwheels cars, done :P

  6. And we complain about office politics. Politics does begins at home.

  7. Still young ... need not worry ... :)

  8. hahah..i agree with buaya99. My kid loves hotwheels.... and so does his pa. So..the equation now is pa=hotwheels supplier=LOVE....

  9. m.o.t.t: Unless Mae starts buying Hotwheels for Jesse.... I really should be studying instead of this.

  10. Ahh, last comment by me. I really should stop impersonating my teacher in my friend's blog.

  11. Let Mae have her moments with Jesse. You will have your turn, wait patiently.

  12. quick, quick, some countermeasure....singsing...or something...cheers!

  13. Hahahha .. I still remember the Tiffany incident, when the boy stopped crying as a sign that mommy should get the present she wanted.. :)

  14. Hehehe!! donch be jealous ok.. james..! i'm sure you will be just as important to jesse as her dear mummy mae.. :)

  15. Jesse the Wise, Visithra!? More like Jesse the Easily-Influenced! :lol:
    Kanye West eh, Simon? What? Golddigger? Hhehheh...
    This King is gonna have to go to war, Egghead!
    Hey, I went to my Mommy for relationship tips, Deepsy. Wuahahah!!!
    So, I expect you'll be doing a little propaganda-ing on your own in the future too, eh Jayelle?! :)
    My thoughts exactly, Rajan! And stop impersonating your teacher. :lol:
    Mmmm... Hotwheels. Yes, Belacan, yes!
    Sure Josh, where else would we get the training?
    You know what they say JethreL, if you start 'em young, it'll stick for life!
    Good advice MOTT, I shall be the sole distributor of Hotwheels in this household.
    :lol: You're just saying that cos you're a mommy too, Michelle!
    Yes JoeC, this will require some planning.
    I know, Annu. See? What chance do I got?
    I better be, MamaBoK, or there'll be no Hotwheels. :lol:

  16. i perfectly understand watcha meant cos my boiboi declared that he's "Daddy's boi". i asked him if he's mummy's boi, he replied NO kakakaka but i'm so glad. let him stick to his daddy.

  17. Hahaha... so you won't have to carry him eh, Babe!?

  18. just as long as there's no "Norman Bates" in the making.. :O
