Saturday, May 29, 2004

Moving Day

On Friday, we upped from our office of 6 years to move to a nicer location.

I hate moving. It's a pain. All that packing and unpacking, and re-packing. We won't miss the old place much. It was a shitty location without much to offer. Except the food. And the sparkling reception we get at the local coffee shop. :)

It's Saturday and at 6:49pm, we're still in the office. And the place is still a mess.

I hate moving.


  1. james...i dont want move if i was u cos ur office is jus 5 mins away from home...i dont mind the shitty location..

  2. i like moving - the challenge of manipulating, destroying, bending the will of the new location to meet my needs.... have i mentioned b4 i need to cut down on my coffee intake? ;)

  3. I'll be moving house soon and it's such a hassle. there's too many stuff, since I've lived there for over 20 years. waah! :(

  4. Hmmph. Eventhough it is shitty, you have to remember that is where your biz starts to flourish.
    Congratulations on getting a new office. Your own some more!

  5. yea moving is shitty. now give me a massage.

  6. I agree man... I hate moving. It's such a bother... I've moved house 7 times in 9 years and am sooooo fed-up! :)

  7. Nolah phoenix, the nearer my office, the more lazy I get. Sometimes I even get to work at 10!! :lol:
    Hahahah, Sashi... no more coffee for you!
    Yeah Norzu. And the biggest pain is throwing stuff!
    That's true, Gina. We did fairly well while we were there. But it's not the place lah. It's the Big Guy in the Sky! :lol:
    Kev, I'm gonna get Gina to spank you if you keep this up! :lol:
    7 times in 9 years!!!! Oh dear. You must have been a horrible tenant. :lol: ;)

  8. James, nooo...! I'm a growing child... Forgive for for i have been horny at times. *puppy eyes*

  9. Hmmm..during my 6 years in college, I believe I moved.....*starts counting fingers* 10 times? And one of the moves was from one state to another! hehehe....

  10. Heheh... looks like Jasmine was a worse tenant than me, James :p

  11. Haha.. No no... wasn't like that :) I am just a free spirited person..going where the wind takes me. My first year of college I moved so much because the dorm would not let you stay there for the breaks :( Grrr...

  12. I think moving is rated the second most stressful event in the world, after the death of a spouse. Can you believe that?

  13. James, what you up to this weekend?

  14. hmmm..i remember that my Ex moved 3 times in a year...sigh..and it was terrible..he just can't get along with his housemates...cacat-ed...and we ended up having a fight each time...coz i find it so stressful for him...and partly, i have to help him with it...:P..thank god it's history now..
    surfin-by :)

  15. i also move alot and currently stay ontop of shophouse....i have no choice becos follow my it is good to have as less things as possible....

  16. Hahaha! That's funny, irene!
    How do you cope with all that moving about, Jas?!
    Fly, somehow, I'm not surprised.
    Why kev? You wanna buy me dinner? ;)
    Thanks for dropping by, glinar! Usually when friends are moving, I conveniently leave town!! :lol:
    Less is more, phoenix! :)

  17. thought of having a small blogger meeting with those i haven't met thingy... *ponders*

  18. James, I kept everything packed *LOL* And also I definitely gained skills at keeping everything compact. Most important items: Microwave and my computer!!

  19. muahahaha...what a friend! :P
    a friend in need is a friend indeed but in this'll do da same..leave town..
